
Special Announcement: 2025-26 High School Bell Schedule

Dear QCHS Community,

Beginning next school year, we will introduce a modification to our class schedule (commonly called a ‘bell schedule’) that we believe will create a more flexible and personalized learning environment for our students.

We are not changing the current start or end times of the school day. Within the current school day, each class that a student is enrolled in will have one ‘block’, or longer class period, each week. The information on the next pages show an example of how this schedule will look.

This kind of schedule is commonly known as a ‘modified block’ schedule, and allows us to have the benefits of a traditional high school schedule (with classes that run approximately 45 minutes long) along with the benefits of a ‘block’ schedule with longer class periods. Our once-a-week block classes will run for 90 minutes, allowing for more in-depth classroom projects and collaboration between students, and for students to receive additional personalized support from their teachers.

This is a change that comes directly from our Comprehensive Planning Work that began two years ago, setting the course for how we will continue to evolve and grow over the next several years. That plan included broad input from our school community.

Our priorities in designing this schedule were to:

  • Increase opportunities and flexibility for all students

  • Create consistent time in the schedule for intervention and enrichment

  • Extend instructional time to allow for more active learning

  • Positively influence student achievement and growth, and align with the QCSD mission to encourage lifelong learning.

In the diagram below, you will see that Mondays and Fridays will look exactly like this school year’s bell schedule, with each transition taking place at the same time as they do this year. The change takes place in the middle three days. On one of these days, each period will have an extended period, and on one of the days the period is dropped. This model is often referred to as a “rotating drop block schedule”, or a “cascade drop schedule”. Unlike a traditional block schedule, in this model each class will meet 4 out of every 5 days, one of which for a double block of time. This may look complicated - but we will work with our students and staff to make sure everyone thoroughly understands the schedule.

Our administrative team worked with a committee of administrators and teachers to choose this schedule. We will continue to work together with our faculty this spring to ensure this transition is smooth and successful. This schedule change will not impact the way students select courses for the coming school year, which will began this January.

Planning for training for our teachers is underway and we will focus on how to maximize the use of these extended class periods. Our goal is to provide more:

  • Project-based learning activities and student collaboration

  • In-Depth topic discussions and debates

  • Targeted support for students who need extra help

  • Inquiry-Based Learning Activities (a teaching method that encourages students to actively explore and investigate topics through questioning, researching, and problem-solving.

  • Case Studies/Simulations/Hands-on activities

Please find the full slide deck that was presented at the November Education Committee by clicking here.

Rest assured we will also work with our students this spring to make sure we explain how the new schedule will work, and address any questions or concerns they may have.

Change often brings some initial bumps and a little anxiety, but we are looking forward to working with students, staff, and parents on this shift, which we think brings so many great possibilities for our students.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Mattias van ‘t Hoenderdaal
Quakertown Community High School